Thursday, July 30, 2009

Simple sweet pumpkin fritters

Not for the weight watchers again.... sorry ladies, I promise to add some healthy recipes soon.

Here's what you'll need;

1 bag of peeled ready chopped pumpkin
1 cup of flour
1 egg
Oil for frying
a fairly nice size blob of butter
1/2 cup sugar

Boil your pumpkin until it is soft
Drain and mash in the pot
Allow to cool to room temperature
Add your egg and 1/2 a cup of flour
Mix through the pumpkin thoroughly
In a pan heat oil, about a cm deep
Spoon your pumpkin into hot oil, in desired size fritters
Turn the fritters when they are browned
Layer the fritter in a Pyrex dish once they are cooked on both sides and sprinkle with Cinnamon

Next you're going to make a regular white sauce but without the milk, directions below.

In a pot add;
Your blob of butter
Allow it to melt
Sift 1/2 cup of flour into the melted butter and using a whisk, mix through
Allow to stand on the heat for a short while to get rid of the floury taste
Slowly add water and whisk constantly
Allow to thicken and add more water until you have enough sauce, it should be a thick runny consistency.
Add 1/2 a cup of sugar and whisk through until sugar has melted.

Pour the entire pot of sauce on your pumpkin fritters, I like mine to float in their sauce.
Pop the Pyrex into the oven at 180 degrees for about 15 minutes, the sauce will go like jelly.

Dish when warm and enjoy.


  1. Oh Nix, this looks divine! I am sooooo trying it this weekend, if this doesn't impress the MIL, NOTHING will...

  2. These are amazing (I just think I made the sauce too thick, will know better next time).

    By the way, you got an award for this blog too, I think it's stunning!!

